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Facility Management

Graduates with a Bachelor of Science degree in Facility Management are armed with a practical foundation in architectural technology, business and management practice, project management, space planning, building operations, and real estate management.

The curriculum was developed by a Facility Management Advisory Board composed of practicing facility managers from around the country.

Third Year Fall Semester 

FMAN 321

Principles of Facility Management

FMAN 332

Digital Applications in Facility Management

FMAN 431

Principles of Space Planning

ENGL 311

Advanced Technical Writing

MGMT 301

Applied Management

Third Year Spring Semester

FMAN 322

Project Management

FMAN 331

Facility Programming & Design Process

FMAN 432

Principles of Interior Architecture

BLAW 301

Legal Environment of Business

ECON 201

Principles of Microeconomics

Third Year Summer Semester 

FMAN 393

Facility Management Internship

Fourth Year Fall Semester 

FMAN 441

Property Development and Planning

FMAN 451

Planning & Budgeting for Operations

FMAN 489

Capstone Research

ECON 202

Principles of Macroeconomics

MGMT 350

Management Metrics & Decision Making

STQM 260

Introduction to Statistics

Fourth Year Spring Semester 

FMAN 499

Capstone Thesis

HVAC 483

HVACR Building Systems


Cultural Enrichment Elective (G)


Management Elective


Science Elective

MGMT Electives: (choose one)

MGMT 302

Organizational Behavior

MGMT 305

Supervision & Leadership

Science Electives: (choose one)

BIOL 111

Environmental Biology

BIOL 116

Nature Study

GEOL 121

Physical Geology

GEOG 121

Weather and Climate

The purpose of the internship experience is to provide a transition from the university curriculum to a practical application found in a professional facility management setting. Theories of facility management and practical applications are explored and tested by the student under close supervision of the cooperating organization and a faculty member from the Ferris program. Evaluation of the experience is conducted by the organization, the student and the faculty member. The student is expected to continually review personal knowledge, skills, accomplishments, and professional growth as they prepare for entry into the profession of facility management.

Sampling of Internship Sites:

  • Big Cypress National Preserve Ochoppe, Florida
  • Collier County Government Naples, Florida
  • DTE Energy Detroit, Michigan
  • Facility Engineering Associates Washington, D.C.
  • Grand Valley State University Allendale, Michigan
  • Hyatt Hotels
  • John Ball Zoo Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • Michigan State University Lansing, Michigan
  • Sleeping Bear Dunes Empire, Michigan
  • Smithsonian Institute Washington, D.C.
  • Spectrum Health Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • Van Andel Institute Grand Rapids, Michigan

Individuals intending to enroll in the BS program must have an AAS in Architectural Technology, or related-degree, from Ferris State or other accredited institutions with an overall GPA of 2.75.

A student may be admitted into the BS program from other Ferris State programs and other accredited institutions upon completion of a related associates degree or achievement of junior status (60 or more credit hours). A modified curriculum will be developed by the faculty on a case-by-case basis to ensure that competency is achieved and all Ferris State requirements, including general education requirements, are met.

The completed application and previous official college transcripts must be submitted to the Admissions Office by February 1 prior to the semester in which the student expects to enroll.

Further information may be obtained by calling the Admissions Office at 231-591-2100 or the Architecture and Facility Management Department Office at 231-591-3100.

Our Facility Management graduates are working at hospitals, universities, hotel chains, government organizations, and corporations. Among them:

  • Pfizer, Inc
  • General Motors
  • Haworth, Inc
  • Dow Chemical Company

A sampling of firms, companies, and corporations that hire our Facility Management graduates includes:

  • Johnson Controls
  • Grand Valley State University
  • Steelcase
  • Gordon Food Services