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Certificate in Facility Management

Working professionals can earn a Certificate in Facility Management to advance their understanding of facility management as well as boost and advance their careers. Most of the people applying for this program are working in facility operations roles at universities, government agencies, and varied organizations. The certificate program helps to prepare participants for the Certified Facility Management (CFM) exam.

Program Objectives include:

To broaden the student’s awareness of the facility management profession and facility related issues.

  • Instill awareness of how facility management activities relate and complement each other; the relationship between the planning/construction and operations/maintenance efforts.
  • Expand awareness of facility management issues and methods.
  • Develop an understanding of the history of facility management.
  • Develop an understanding of professional organizations and institutions that support the advancement of facility management.

To develop abilities to plan and manage projects.

To develop abilities to program spaces, identify user and organization needs and manage the design process.

To develop abilities to effectively maintain a facility, to anticipate and estimate resource requirements and to evaluate and re-engineer facility maintenance and operations practices.

The Online Certificate in Facility Management, comprised of the following four courses, is designed for individuals who currently work within the profession of facility management or a related field and desire to broaden their understanding of facility management.  Each course is a 3-credit hour course and part of our accredited baccalaureate program.

FMAN 321

Principles of Facility Management

FMAN 322

Project Management

FMAN 331

Facility Programming and the Design Process

FMAN 451

Planning and Budgeting for Operations

The online Certificate in Facility Management is offered through Ferris’ Extended and International Operations Office.  Information regarding online programs and instructions to APPLY are available at http://ferris.edu/online.

For more information contact the Architecture & Facility Management office at:


OR atfm@ferris.edu OR

Professor Diane Nagelkirk at nagelkid@ferris.edu


Our Facility Management graduates are working at hospitals, universities, hotel chains, government organizations, and corporations. Among them:

  • General Motors
  • Pfizer, Inc
  • DTE Energy
  • Dow Chemical Company

A sampling of firms, companies, and corporations that hire our Facility Management graduates includes:

  • Gordon Food Services
  • Aramark Corporation
  • Ford Motor Company
  • CSI Group